Our garden center is spread out over 12 acres of wonderful constable country in Dedham, Essex. We have different areas of the nursery devoted to different types of plants including a semi mature tree field stocking over 300 different species of trees, from 2 meters 80 litre pots to 8.5 meters 700 litre pots.
Centered in our shop we stock garden center size trees from 1.2metres 10lt pots to 2 meters 80lt pots also we have our large range of fruit trees.
Either side of our garden center we have two greenhouses stocking our Shrubs, Roses, Climbers, and Ericaceous plants.
There is also an outside area devoted to woodland plants, Rhododendrons and Bamboos. Outside our shop areas we have large growing areas to provide a constant flow of mature shrubs and hedging.
If you need help or advice, please email info@o-l-d.co.uk or call us on 01206 322617